Monday, November 16, 2009


The difference between a franchise opportunity and setting up a business is mainly who is in charge. A franchisee has to report back to the franchisor which he/she wouldn't have to do in their own business. All major decisions are made or approved by the franchisor. Marketing is provided for the franchisee. The franchisee does not have to spend time and money building up the business, gaining the name of the company a good reputation, he/she just has to uphold one which already exists. The franchisee has to pay the franchisor whereas a business owner has no one above themselves to pay.

Popular, well-known names are likely to be in the Oregon area franchise if it succeeds in gaining one because this will help make the franchise successful.

The Premier League may seek to make itself a more well-known name globally and thus offer its franchise to similar companies in other countries. This would mean teams would have more cultural influence, more competition, more players trying to get a place on the team and make the team members more famous.

1 comment:

  1. 1. 4/5. More analysis needed. Some of what you have written I wouldn't necessarily agree with.
    2. 1/5. No teams identified and no analysis presented. Question not answered.
    3. 2/5. Too brief, second part of question not answered.

    Total: 7/15 = 2/5. I don't think you put much effort into this, Holly. I think you are capable of much better. You didn't even number the answers to the questions.

    See the markscheme on my wiki for the explanation of each mark.
