Sunday, January 31, 2010

MNCs, conglomerates and holding companies

1) A multinational company operates in two or more countries.

2) A company which owns a controlling interest of other diverse companies.

3) A multinational company owns and controls 100% of its offices and operations, whereas a holding company only owns a percentage. Both can be found in a range of countries. The multinational company has a host country whereas the holding company has a host business.

4) The founders of Google are Larry Page and Sergey Brin. Google was named after the math term googol to convey the vast amount of information the search engine contains. Google started primarily as an internet search engine. It generates a large amount of its revenue by advertising other businesses. It now offers blogs, merchandise, is available in many different languages, e-mail system, calendar, they are developing mobile phone technology and are available on a mobile phone. There are nine people on their board of directors.

5) Asset stripping is when the assets of a business are sold to generate profit. The company to buy the target company is called a corporate raider.

6) Google has not encountered problems because its product is globally required. The internet is multinational therefore so should a search engine for the internet be too.

7) -

8) A conglomerate merger is when two companies from different sectors merge. The term may refer to a multi-industry company.

9) Virgin airlines also sells boats, CDs, clothing and musical instruments.

10) Diversity is good for a business because some products may be affected seasonally and it's always good not to rely on just one thing. The brand name of a company will become better known if it is associated with more than one type of product thus giving the company a marketing advantage.

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