Wednesday, January 6, 2010


a) The employees (and their trade union in relation to the conflict) and the managers who have to deal with the strike.

b) The managers and directors have to get the employee strike underhand because they may involve their unions and cause legal issues for the company, the managers may lose their jobs. During the strike, the company is losing money which could be blamed on the managers for not handling the situation.

c) There would really have to be representatives from both sides of the argument come together to discuss the issue and try to achieve a compromise which suits both sides. On the one hand, people need wages to live and so it is important that people are paid fairly for the quality and amount of work that they do. The company may simply have to let people go in order to keep costs down and be able to afford decent wages for the remaining employees.

1 comment:

  1. Markscheme
    a. 2/2.
    b. 3/3.
    c. 7/7.

    Excellent, Holly.

    See model answer on my wiki.
